Samples of blood and urine were obtained from each participant at home after 12 hours fasting. Blood pressure was measured using validated automatic devices (Omron Model M6) according to standard procedures.
We measured each individual's weight, height, and waist circumference using electronic scales (Seca 841 precision, 0.1 kg), portable extendable stadiometers (KaWe44 444Seca), and non-elastic flexible measuring tapes with buckles, respectively. 36 We also evaluated compliance with physical activity guidelines from the European Union and the World Health Organization (EU/WHO) 37, which recommend ≥ 2.5 hours of moderate intensity activity or ≥ 1 hour of vigorous intensity activity per week. 35 This index has been shown to accurately estimate cardiovascular risk and all-cause mortality. Physical activity was measured using the EPIC Study questionnaire, which combines physical activity at work and during leisure time (Cambridge index). However, BMI has limitations in detecting adiposity in individuals with BMI 67.5). Traditionally, body mass index (BMI) has been used to assess the degree of obesity. Leptin acts on the hypothalamic receptors and influences the expression of different neuropeptides that regulate energy balance by decreasing food intake and increasing energy expenditure and sympathetic tone in response to normal weight gain 1. Leptin, a peptide described in 1994, is synthesized by adipocytes, and its serum concentration reflects the body's energy reservoir 1.

La leptina tiene sensibilidad y especificidad moderadas para identificar anormalidad cardiometabólica. ConclusionesĮstos resultados facilitan la interpretación de los valores de leptinemia en estudios clínicos y poblacionales. Los valores de leptinemia que identificaron anormalidad cardiometabólica fueron 23,75 ng/ml en mujeres (área bajo la curva, 0,722 sensibilidad, 72,3% especificidad, 58,7%) y 6,45 ng/ml en varones (área bajo la curva, 0,716 sensibilidad, 71,4% especificidad, 60,2%).

En el análisis multivariable, la leptina estuvo significativamente asociada con las medidas antropométricas, la insulinemia y la proteína C reactiva y en relación inversa con la edad, el tabaquismo y la actividad física en mujeres ( r 2 = 0,53 p < 0,001) y en varones ( r 2 = 0,61 p < 0,001). En mujeres la mediana fue 24,5 ng/ml y en varones, 7,2 ng/ml. Los valores de leptina fueron mayores en mujeres que en varones (media geométrica, 21,9 y 6,6 ng/ml p < 0,001). Se definió anormalidad cardiometabólica como la presencia de al menos dos de las siguientes: presión arterial elevada, triglicéridos elevados, colesterol unido a lipoproteínas de alta densidad bajo, valores altos de resistencia a insulina y proteína C reactiva y glucosa elevadas.

La leptinemia se midió por enzimoinmunoanálisis. La información se obtuvo mediante examen físico estandarizado y las analíticas se realizaron en un laboratorio central. MétodosĮstudio transversal realizado de 2008 a 2010 sobre 11.540 individuos representativos de la población española de edad ≥ 18 años. Leptin has moderate sensitivity and specificity for identifying cardiometabolic abnormalities.Įstimar los valores de referencia de leptina y calcular los puntos de corte de leptinemia que identifiquen anormalidad cardiometabólica en España. These results facilitate the interpretation of leptin values in clinical and population studies. The leptin values that identified cardiometabolic abnormality were 23.75 ng/mL in women (area under the curve, 0.722 sensitivity, 72.3% specificity, 58.7%) and 6.45 ng/mL in men (area under the curve, 0.716 sensitivity, 71.4% specificity, 60.2%). In the multivariate analysis, leptin was significantly associated with anthropometric measures, insulin, and C-reactive protein, and inversely associated with age, smoking, and physical activity in women ( r 2 = 0.53 P <. The median was 24.5 ng/mL in women, and 7.2 ng/mL in men. Leptin values were higher in women than men (geometric mean, 21.9 and 6.6 ng/mL P <. Cardiometabolic abnormality was defined as the presence of at least two of the following: high blood pressure, high triglycerides, reduced high density lipoprotein cholesterol, high insulin resistance values, and elevated C-reactive protein and glucose. Data were obtained by standardized physical examination and analyses were performed at a central laboratory. MethodsĬross-sectional study carried out between 20 in 11 540 individuals representing the Spanish population aged ≥ 18 years. Estimate leptin reference values and calculate leptinemia cutoff values for identifying cardiometabolic abnormalities in Spain.